الرئيسية Be an active one

Be an active one

If a person is prone to psychological stress or distress, whether through a job or other personal reason, the first step of a sense of what is best is to determine the cause.

The most harmful thing, and that can be done, is to resort to something that is not healthy to help deal with this tension, such as smoking or drinking alcohol; In life, there is always a solution to the problems. But the lack of control over the situation, and not to do anything, that would aggravate the problems.The keys to control the tension well on building mental strength, and control of the mortgage situation, and the existence of a good social network, and adopt a positive outlook.Here are the top ten ways to combat psychological distress.1. Be an active oneIf the person is related to psychological stress problem, can result in physical activity to Safa state of mind and psychological has, so that it is able to identify the causes of tension has to find a solution; Dealing with stress effectively needs to feel the psychological strength and cohesion, and help exercise Sports boil achieve this.Do not make exercise stress disappears, but it reduces some of the stress felt by the person, and refines ideas, allowing one to deal with its problems more quietly.2. possession of controlNo matter how difficult it may seem to them the problem, there is always a solution. The negative thinking toward it (for example, I can not do anything about my problem), making the tension is getting worse, as this feeling of loss of control is one of the most important causes of tension and loss of sensation of well-being.The control process is in itself a state of empowerment, a crucial part to find a solution satisfactory to the person.3. communicate with peopleThe problem involved with others the way to get rid of a large part of it, where it can ease work troubles, and help to see things in a different way, by having a good support network of friends, colleagues and family.However, if the person does not communicate with people, he will not have a support to move to where to find assistance; The activities that we do with friends help us to relax, laugh with them as often, and this tension sponsor unloading an excellent manner.Also, to talk about things with a friend will also help to find solutions to problems.4. allow some time to relax from workIt is long working hours sometimes; and overtime means that people do not spend enough time to do things that actually enjoy them. Therefore, we all need some time to relax or social networking or exercise.Some experts suggest the allocation of two nights a week for such activities away from work, so that one avoids overtime in these two days.5. acquire queen challengeCan put a person to the same goals and challenges, whether at work or outside, such as learning a new language or a new sport, it helps to build confidence, and that this would help to deal or cope with stress.Through the continuing challenge of the same, a person learns to anticipate things and control the course of his life. However continue to learn, it becomes more capable of psychological adjustment; Valtslh possess the knowledge and the desire to do things instead of the negative, such as watching TV all the time, is to face a sponsor developments.6. Avoid unhealthy habitsShall not resort to smoking, alcohol and caffeine as a way to cope and adapt. And men are more likely than women to do so normally. We call this method the behavior of avoidance avoidance behaviour. While women tend to get support from social circle around it.In the long run, this does not result in the wrong mechanisms to adapt and confrontation to solve problems, but also create new problems; it is like putting the head in the sand, where you may provide temporary relief, but they do not make problems disappear. You must address one of Mhkh tension.7. resort to voluntary workEvidence shows that people who help others, through activities such as volunteering or community action work, become more flexible; Helping people who are in situations worse than others, often, will serve to put the person problems into perspective; the more given One more, become more flexible and more a sense of happiness.It can, and more specifically, help people every day, where they can do something small, such as helping people to cross the road or make coffee for colleagues; Vamajamlat costs nothing, and you feel it will be better.8. work more intelligently and not harderGood time management means working an advanced level of quality, and not a large amount. But the culture of long hours of work are known to cause occupational diseases. Therefore, we have to achieve a balance between work and life that fit the person.The work intelligently Aker means setting priorities for action, with a focus on the tasks that will make a real difference in professional performance. Therefore, you should leave the least important tasks to the end of time.9. ensure that the positiveWe must look for the positives in life, and Almshabh things. Therefore, you can write three things went very well, or if one was happy with it, at the end of each day.People do not always of their energies estimated. Therefore, you should look at the filled half of the cup instead of half empty. This requires a shift in the perspective of those who are more pessimistic in the habit.This can be achieved in reality; it is through conscious effort, it can be self-training to be more positive about life, where the problems often be a matter of perspective. If one has to change its perspective, he may see his situation and his condition from the viewpoint of a more positive.10. accept things that may not changeIt is not always possible to change a difficult situation; If it is proven that this is the case, then admit it, and to accept things as they are, and focus on what the person is doing, all of that makes it controlled.If a company, for example, going back and characterized by routine, there is nothing they can do about it. There is no point in fighting it. In such a situation, Alra needs to focus on the things that can be controlled, such as searching for a new job
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